Thursday, June 17, 2010


1. Shred cabbage, (it will express some water after mixed with salt & pressed down)
2. Sprinkle on Sea,Celtic,Himalayan or other salt(not table salt)about 2tsp. per pound
3. Tightly pack salted cabbage into a crock, crockpot, jar, or container
4. Place a covering on top, like whole leaf, or a plate or bowl, or a water-filled bag
5. Weight down leaf or plate with a clean rock or water filled jar
6. If liquid isn't covering cabbage, then add a little water
7. Cover container of cabbage with a crock-pot lid or plastic wrap & a clean dry towel
8. Store in a dark place between 55 degrees up to 76 degrees otherwise it'll spoil
9. Check every 2 days & skim off any mold that forms on top, careful not to mix it in
10. Takes 2 to 6 weeks. Fermentation is done when no bubbles form from tapping side
Keep track of it by sticking tape or a sign on the container that has the start date
Make Sauerkraut to your tastes, the longer it ferments, the more sour it gets
Store in refrigerator when done, it'll keep for many months. I made this in a crock-pot & had no mold & it turned out great! But I like the store bought crunchy sauerkraut & the homemade one doesn't crunch.